At Warlingham Dog Training Club, we believe a trained dog is a happy dog (and a happy owner!). We offer a range of reward-based classes, ranging from puppy classes, for basic socialisation and key commands, to competitive obedience for those dogs needing a real challenge. We are primarily a ‘pet’ dog club and our classes cover the basics, such as teaching your dog to walk sensibly and safely on the lead, to sit, lie down, stay in one place and, most importantly of all, come back when called
We encourage our members to bring along food treats or toys to motivate their dogs; we do not endorse the use of choke chains or punitive methods. All of our trainers are experienced teachers and handlers with years of dog owning and training under their belts.
For club members who progress to competing in obedience shows, we have additional classes, more focused on pre-beginners and beginners competition level, which runs at Warlingham & Westerham.
Our classes are open to everyone – first time dog owners, seasoned handlers and everyone in between. We welcome all types of dogs, including rescue dogs. Classes are organised over a 10-12 week term and cost from £6.50 per class up to £8.50.