Warlingham Dog Training Club
Warlingham Dog Training Club
Promoting responsible dog ownership through education and trauning

 WDTC Open Obedience Show


Saturday 17th May 2025

Saturday 18th May 2024

A great open show this year, a massive thank you to our Judges, Stewards and Score boarders, our very own “Open show group” who work through out the year tirelessly making the magic happen and our great volunteers from the club membership helping setup on the Friday, working through out the Saturday during the show and dismantling the show at the end of the day.

Not forgetting the dogs and handlers who enter the show to compete, without you all this show would not happen. Numbers where down from last year but we still had a good number entering the classes.

Special thanks go to the caterer who supplied great food for our Judges, Stewards and Score boarders and the Croydon Post Office Social and Athletic club for use of their grounds and facilities., Mary Boyce ( a club member) providing the ice-cream van with a share of the takings for our charity Assistant Dogs, Pet Needs, and Kinghams Cars who provide us with their Trophies and every year come and show a couple of their cars and finally the hot food van for our outside for requirements, the bacon rolls are glorious.

The day was mostly dry (had a little sprinkling of rain on Saturday, it was cold in the morning with a cold wind, the sun showing up later on in the day but wasn’t too hot, a most enjoyable day !

Friday - setup days was totally different a sunny day outside making the setup outside sticky and warm.


Open show group : Attended both Saturday and Friday and work through out the year preparing for the show.

Allison Burrows, Indira Helsby, Susan Edwards, Sue Whitehorn, Liz Daniell

Helpers on Friday and Saturday (apologies if we have missed anyone off)

Friday :

Sheila & Robert Croft, Kirstie Archer, Katrina Arnold, Lisa Boyd, Janet Whiteley, Paivi Saarikko, Peter & Diane Byles, Terri McNally, Mary Chapman, Sarah Smith, Mandy Knowles, Liz Evans, Indira Helsby, Denise Bateman, Vanessa Sultana, Gilda Wallace, Erika James, Denyse Morris, Laurel & Mike Holt, Maureen Rees, Charles Davies

Saturday :

Sheila & Robert Croft, Katrina Arnold, Tracie Cullen, Maria O’Mally, Erika James, Danielle Bateman, Gerry Maloney, Charles Davies, David Ip and wife, Sue Dedman and husband, Nick Coole, Lynn James, Christine Thompson, Shirley Alwin, Kristie Wallace, Paivi Saarikko, Shirley Aylwin, Michala Blackburn, Bill Rowland, Lynn and Alfredo Ficcadanti, Michelle Allen, Jacqui Sandford, Kery Poftly, Collin Ellis

First aiders : Nick Cole and Mandy Knowles

Score boarders : Sandy Evans, Ruth Poupard, Diane Bruce, Sally Beavens, Jenny Harknett, Sara Cole

Stewards : Terry Kidd, Sheila Croft, Katrina Arnold, Stella Wilkinson, Lisa Griffiths, and Kay Griffiths

Tombola : Julia Hamlyn and family, Chris and Danielle Bateman, Zena and Mark Saunders, Kristi Wallace and Collin Ellis

Committee members : Friday and Saturday

Terri McNally (Chair), Allison Burrows (honorary treasurer and show secretary), Vanessa Sultana (honorary secretary), Marian O’Neill, Mandy Knowles (afternoon - first aider)


Trenham Drive
CR6 9RU  

Secretary Tent showing Trophies and Rosettes in the rear, with Allison Burrows (show secretary, our clubs treasurer and committee member) Terri McNally our club chair and committee and admin services member) and Susan Edwards (member of our Open show organisation work group)

Starting to peg out the 17 rings for the open show

rings up and competitors and rocking up

Parking Volunteers, (Robert Croft and Tracie Cullen) having a well deserved bacon roll

lots of people queuing for the clubs tombola

Sue Whitehorn on left in blue (club member and show group organisation member) : Tombola stall all proceeds going to this years charity Assistants dogs, 328 bottles donated by club members generating an amazing £540.00 An excellent start to our charity collections this year.

Catering for around 60 people ( our hard working judges, stewards, score boarders (covered in 2 sittings)

waiting for the first shift for lunch

The pavlova was divine

drinks any one ?

taking off the rain covers after the smallest of showers

Our clubs new Urn in full working order

Pet needs (they travel up from Wales every year to sell their dog wares to anyone at the show) and outside catering van setting up on what felt like a rainy start

Group winners as Follows : Congratulations to all who took place in our Obedience Open show - everyone is a winner 

Photos taken by Liz Daniels - “our very own David Bailey” - some great shots in here

Trophies with boxes of Rosettes in the back ground

A : Dog part 2

A : dog part 1

Special ABC

B : Bitch


C : Bitch

C: Dog


KC Special Pre Beginners

Novice: Bitch

Novice : Dog Part 1

Novice : Dog part 2

Pre Beginner

Young KC

Young KC

Individual winner photos

Kinghams presenting one of their 2 trophieswith (Mary Boyce;s ice-cream van in the background)

Kinghams presenting one of their 2 trophies

A busy day for Mandy Knowles and Spud, with her 3 rosettes. (Member of our clubs committee)

Great to see some Young Handlers competing

Young Handler : Basic Obedience

Young Handler : Basic Obedience

Young Handler

Young Handler

Young Handler

Young Handler : First show - Congratulations

 Pictures of Handlers and dogs in action - its not just Collies who compete

 Katrina Arnold Open show write up and comments taken from – obedience uk Facebook page – 18th May 2024

 It was lovely to see Warlingham Dog Training Club’s show at the Post Office Sports Ground in Warlingham so well attended on Saturday.

Warlingham is my club and although, thankfully, not a member of the organising committee, who take on a huge burden every year, I was a willing helper for setting up on Friday.

It is only when one is involved in the nuts and bolts of a day that one really comes to appreciate that the layout, catering, ancillary services (PetNeeds!) etc. etc. don’t arrive by magic.

The show committee divides us into teams, and whilst indoors they set up judges’ bags, labelled tombola bottles, and prepared the scoreboards, the outdoors team “made” the showground. People far cleverer than I walked about with land-measurer wheels and stamped in ring posts and then along my stringing partner and I came with many miles of string and started “stringing”. Seventeen rings, fifteen strung and two netted for the lower classes. It’s a daunting task, particularly as the rings were large, the C rings disappearing pretty much over the horizon such was their size.

Warlingham has a very large cohort of pet owners who attend classes to get the most from their pet and for whom Obedience is dark art. The fact they are prepared to give up much of Friday and Saturday to make our show happen is laudable. My stringing partner was one such pet owner just having a little dabble in the lower classes. Oh, the joy of a captive audience! By the time we had finished I had given her chapter and verse on everything from Introductory through Special Pre-Beginners to Ticket and then Crufts. For me the afternoon flew by, I am sure for poor Sarah, my partner, it felt like a lifetime of nodding and smiling and offering benign comments. Lovely people, I was in my element!

By about 5.00 p.m. we were all pretty much done, and the campers were beginning to arrive, so we left them to enjoy their evening and trundled off home.

For me the showground is less than a mile from home so loading the circus takes longer than transporting it. I was at the show just on 7.15 a.m. on Saturday, having the special task of driving round judging tables and chairs in my horse trailer. Ably assisted by two more of the club’s pet owner helpers we were all done by 7.45 a.m. just as the first competitors arrived. I would love to see an aerial view of a showground suitably speeded up, just to see how a show suddenly comes to life. All the hard work of setting up the rings and so on suddenly falling in to place as more and more people ticked in and running orders got underway.

It was a stewarding day for me in the C Dog ring with delightful judge, Linda Baldock. She made full use of the enormous ring and gave a flowing round with lots to keep the dogs engaged in the heelwork section. Like an airport runway, I had been provided with painted dots and lines to help me keep everyone on track so that, as much as I was able, commands were given in the same place for everyone. I became quite obsessed with a large circular dot painted in the ring which served as my marker for a double about turn, a double left about turn, a position, and the line marker for a turn. The secret and silent satisfaction of seeing that spot keep coming up quite made my day and I had to suppress the urge to call out to the odd competitor who wandered slightly off line “where are you going?!”. It cheered me up no end to see that wonky donkeys also work the higher classes, and it is not just me who can end up slightly off course!

We had a truly lovely cohort of competitors who came in a steady flow throughout the morning and just after our early lunch. Lunch in the club house was a lovely buffet affair and finished with strawberry pavlova, which was delicious. But I digress, we had a worthy winner of whom I was so proud because she was very nervous coming in and yet produced a cracking round.

By about 3.30 p.m. we were done and dusted and by the time we had sorted the necessary paperwork and tidying, and I had let my dogs out for a quick run the show was beginning to wind down and the rings were being dismantled and equipment stored away for next year.

I do so hope you all had a lovely time and I know each of you took the best dog home. Thanks for coming. See you at Plantation Park!


Sheila Croft

Warlingham’s pet owners are absolutely amazing, and we could not run the show nearly so well without them.

 Rose Barham

Warlingham one of my favourite shows when I was down South. I miss all the Southern shows even though I don't do competition any more.

Jane Martin

I had a fabulous time. Thanks for the stewarding. One of my favourite shows

Sandra Cobbold

A great factual read, so true not enough people know what goes into making a show happen, well done Warlingham 

Jane Bowman

Thank you for your expert stewarding, I hope I wasn’t one of your wonky donkeys. And thank you,and everyone at Warlingham who worked so hard to give the rest of us such a lovely show, truly “a grand day out”.

And here’s the fun stuff


Warlingham Dog Training Club



(Held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations G and licensed by the Kennel Club Limited)

Saturday 18th May 2024

Croydon Post Office Social and Athletic Club Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey. CR6 9RU

Please check your route as though not in the ULEZ zone - many roads to this venue are in the ULEZ capture zone

Show opens 8.30 am – Judging commences 9.30 am in all classes Show closes half hour after judging completed.

The officers and committee members of the society / or the licensee holding the licence are deemed responsible for organising and conducting the show safely and in accordance with the rules and regulations of The Kennel Club and agree to abide by and adopt any decision of the Board or any authority to whom the Board may delegate its powers subject to the conditions of Regulation G41. In so doing those appointed as officers and committee members, or the licensee, accept that they are jointly and severally responsible for the organisation of the show and that this is a binding undertaking.


CHIEF STEWARD – Mrs Teresa Paterson SHOW SECRETARY – Miss Allison Burrows

Entries close Monday 15th April 2024 (Postmark) Eligibility-last qualifying date 23rd April 2024

Entry Fees All Classes - £7.00. Members - £4.00. NFC - Free. Catalogue - £4.00.

Camping - £6.00 Friday night only.


Entries via “With Your Dog” click on link With Your Dog / Dog obedience shows


Or postal entries to:

Ms A M Burrows, 16 Hindhead Way, Wallington, Surrey. SM6 8PD Cheques made payable to: Warlingham DTC

For a schedule send a S.A.E. for all other enquiries call 07851 283207 Dogs may be entered in 3 classes for which they are eligible

No Prize Money is on offer



Class Judge Reserve Judge

1.    Special Pre-Beginner KCGCDS Clare Williams

2.    Introductory Dog & Bitch Julia Milligan

3.    Pre-Beginner Dog & Bitch Pat Handfield

4.    Beginner Dog & Bitch Janet Tandy

5.    Novice Dog June Stenning Trish Jones

6.    Novice Bitch Miranda Humphries Denise Coyle

7.    A Dog Chris Turner Chris Millner

8.    A Bitch Amanda Winborne

9.    B Dog Jo Edwards

10.    B Bitch Val Dickeson

11. C Dog Linda Baldock

12. C Bitch Chris Paris Brown

13. Special ABC (anything but a collie) Laura Chrysostomou

14. A YKC Basic - under 12 years of age }

B YKC Basic – 12 - 17 years of age }

C YKC Basic – 18 - 24 years of age }

15. A YKC Novice - under 12 years of age }

B YKC Novice - 12 - 17 years of age } Min Partner

C YKC Novice - 18 - 24 years of age }

16. A YKC High flyers - under 12 years of age }

B YKC High flyers - 12 - 17 years of age }

C YKC High flyers - 18 - 24 years of age }


RING NUMBERS (please write your own)

Please ensure your ring number is correctly displayed when working your dog.

There will be a Draw for the Running Order for the first Ten in each class - first Six if there are less than 25 dogs entered in a specific class.


Rosettes Special Pre-Beginner KCGCDS, Pre-Beginner and Beginner 1-10 place All other classes 1-6 place.

Kennel Club Award of Merit Certificates for qualifying dogs and handlers in Introductory, Pre-Beginner and Beginner will be available on request from your judge.



1.                In the following Definitions of Classes First Prize wins in limited show obedience classes and open shows confined to one breed do not count for entry in open and championship show obedience classes but do count for eligibility at limited obedience shows or open shows confined to one breed.

2.                A dog must be entered in the lowest scheduled class for which it is eligible and may also be entered in another class if desired plus one additional class at the society’s discretion. Exemptions from this regulation are:- A dog entered in a Good Citizen Dog Scheme Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes Class or

A dog entered into a Young Kennel Club (YKC) obedience class which may also be entered in a maximum of two other scheduled classes (including YKC classes) for which it is eligible or

A dog only entered in a special class (or classes) provided such a class (or classes) are defined in the schedule. Such entries must be made in line with the show’s closing date for entries.


3.                Societies may schedule classes other than those defined below. The eligibility for “special” classes must be defined by the society and included in the schedule. The word “special” must be included in the title of the class.



To compete in the introductory class a handler or dog must not have gained a 1st place in any obedience class and have not elected to progress on points from Introductory.


To compete in pre-beginners a handler or dog must not have won two 1st prizes in either pre-beginners or beginners nor gained a 3rd place or above in any other obedience class. (Introductory class excepted.) and have not elected to progress on points from Pre-Beginners


To compete in beginners a handler or dog must not have won a total of two or more 1st prizes in beginners class, or one 1st prize in any other obedience class. (Introductory class and pre-beginners excepted) and have not elected to progress on points from Beginners.


For dogs which have not won two 1st prizes in obedience classes. (Introductory class, pre-beginners and beginners excepted) and where the handler has not elected to progress on points from Novice.


For dogs which have not won three 1st prizes in class A, B and open class C in total and where the handler has not elected to progress on points from Class A.


For dogs which have not won three 1st prizes in class B and open class C in total and where the handler has not elected to progress on points from Class B.


At open and premier shows, and in the open C classes held at championship shows, open to all dogs.





To compete in this class a handler or dog must be eligible to compete in Pre-Beginners and must have obtained a minimum of their Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bronze Award prior to the closing date of the show. Winners of the Crufts KCGCDS Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes Grand Final, Dog or Handler, will not be permitted to compete in any further heats.

Anything but a collie, open to all dogs, other than a Collie, WSD, CollieX or WSDX (Intro to C). The aim is to reward attitude, commitment as well as accuracy, no scent or stays.

Members must be aged 6 years and up to, but not including their 25th birthday and enter the age category they fall under on the date of the qualifier.

For dogs that are eligible to compete in the following standard Kennel Club obedience classes:

a.  Introductory

b.  Pre-Beginners


Members must be aged 6 years and up to, but not including their 25th birthday and enter the age category they fall under on the date of the qualifier.

For dogs that are eligible to compete in the following standard Kennel Club obedience classes:

a.  Pre-Beginners

b.  Beginners

c.  Novice


Members must be aged 6 years and up to, but not including their 25th

birthday and enter the age category they fall under on the date of the qualifier.

Open to dogs that are eligible to compete in the following standard Kennel Club obedience classes:

a.  Novice

b.  Class A

c.  Class B

(1)  Dogs only eligible for Class C may only be used if the dog is registered in the name of the YKC member or immediate parent and that

member has trained the dog to its current standard.

 Progression on wins. Progression from each class will be determined by the eligibility for the class as referenced in Regulations G(A). To count for progression wins must be gained in standard classes at Kennel Club licensed Open, Premier or Championship Obedience shows. A first place will count towards progression.

 Progression on points. At the handler’s discretion a dog may progress up to the next class, up to and including into Open Class C by gaining points at each level, using the Obedience Excellent scale of points scheme as follows:

·      Ten points for first prize

·      Four points for second prize

·      Two points for third prize

·      One point for fourth prize

 If this method of progression is selected, the handler must ensure the show secretary/chief steward signs the dog’s Obedience Record Book at the first show entered in the higher class. There is no time limit on this progression, however, once a dog or handler has progressed, they cannot return to the class that they had progressed from. All wins and places to fourth since 1 January 2019 can be included when calculating points. Points are specific to a particular class and cannot be used against a lower or higher class.

 Points required for progression on points are as follows:

1.  10 points required for progression from Introductory

2.  20 points required for progression from Pre-Beginners.

3.  20 points required for progression from Beginners.

4.  20 points required for progression from Novice.

5.  30 points required for progression from Class A.

6.  30 points required for progression from Class B.



These rules and regulations are to be read in conjunction with The Kennel Club Obedience Show Regulations G under which this show is licensed. It is the responsibility of everyone entering this show to make themselves familiar with the Kennel Club G Regulations, available from The Kennel Club.

  1.                        Dogs entered at Kennel Club licensed obedience shows must be registered at The Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club regulations for Classification and Registration B.

2.                        All dogs registered and resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club authority to compete number before entry to the show/event can be made. All overseas entries without an authority to compete number will be returned to the exhibitor/competitor.

3.                        Only dogs of 6 calendar months of age and over are eligible for competition at Kennel Club licensed obedience shows.

4.                        A dog must not compete in the same class more than once, including special classes.

5.                        Organisers of open obedience shows may set a capping level on the entries to be accepted in any standard or special class, and may decline entries received after the capping level has been reached. State if specific classes are to be capped and the capping limit. The capping level must be set at a minimum of 35 entries received. There is no maximum level at which a cap may be set.

6.                        Not for competition entries will be accepted for dogs aged 4 calendar months and over. Dogs must be Kennel Club registered with their full details recorded on the entry form.

7.                        Running orders will be available online at ObedienceUK and may be sent by e-mail to relevant competitors unless a competitor has clearly stated they wish to receive their running orders by post.

        8.                        The Committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries.

       9.                       In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including 25 days before the start of the competition i.e

25.04.23 shall be counted when entering for any class. For these purposes a competition shall be defined as all classes covered within the same schedule. In the event that a dog becomes eligible for the next class at a particular show, after the entry for that show has been sent, it is the competitor’s responsibility to notify the show secretary or the show processor at least 14 days before the date of the show. The dog should then be moved into the appropriate class(es). The dog must be moved into the corresponding number of classes as were entered at the lower class. If there are fewer or no classes available for the next class the competitor should be offered a refund of the relevant entry fees.

10.                     In the event that the show is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the club/society will refund fees, less reasonably incurred expenses. If the show processor has the provisions to do so, competitors will be refunded in the manner in which they had entered the show, but in any event the club/society will refund fees within 3 months of the show date to all those who had entered and requested a refund within 1 month of the show date.

11.                     In classes without a full running order dogs will be received until one hour after the commencement of judging 10.30am after which no dogs may be received except under unforeseen and exceptional circumstances and by special permission of the show management.

12.                     For the duration of the show all dogs, including those in the exercise area, must be on a lead except when competing or practising prior to competition.

         13.                     The mating of bitches within the precincts of the competition is forbidden.

14.                     The dog should be led into the ring for judging with a smooth collar or, half-check collar, with lead attached (unless otherwise directed) and should be at the handler’s side.

         15.                     Animals allowed in Event

No animal other than one officially entered shall be brought into the precincts of the event during its continuance, except any dogs registered to assist the disabled, or dogs required for educational or instructional purposes or by permission of the Board.

 However, at the discretion of the show society, a dog brought to the show by a spectator may be admitted into the precincts of the dog show, with the proviso that those in charge of the dog sign a declaration confirming the dog is free from disease and that the dog will be kept under proper control at all times.

16.                     Following discussion between the chief steward and the show management and/or a veterinary surgeon, a dog shall be prevented from competing and/or removed from the show if it is:-

a.                A bitch which is in season.

b.                Suffering from any infectious or contagious disease.

c.                Interfering with the safety or chance of winning of an opponent.

d.                Of such temperament or is so much out of control as to be a danger to the safety of any person or other animal.

e.                Likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues competing.

The circumstances of such a removal shall be recorded in the show Incident Book and submitted to The Kennel Club.

17.                     Dogs will be disqualified if proved to have been handled in the class by the scheduled judge’s spouse or immediate family, or resident at the same address as the scheduled judge.

18.                     No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time within the boundaries of the show.

         19.                     No competitor shall impugn the decision of the judge or judges.

20.                     Should a judge be unable to fulfil the appointment to judge the committee reserves the right to appoint another judge.

21.                     Should circumstances so dictate the Society, in consultation with the judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding them will be reported to The Kennel Club.

22.                     DOGS IN VEHICLES ON HOT DAYS

Your dog is vulnerable and at risk if left in a vehicle in high temperatures and even on days considered as slightly warm. Please take care of your dog.


If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.

23.                     Welfare of Dogs

A competitor whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs’ health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. A breach of this regulation may be referred to the Board for disciplinary action under Kennel Club rules and regulations. The use of pinch collars, electronic shock collars, or prong collars, is not permitted at any obedience show licensed by The Kennel Club. This shall apply at the venue and within the precincts of the show.

24.                     Food and/or toys shall not be carried or given to a dog under test except in Introductory and Pre-Beginner classes where silent toy and food rewards may be used between and after exercises and in a special class if specified in the class definition. Competitors must not distract other dogs when rewarding their dog with food, toy or play. (Refer to Obedience Code of Conduct)


Vets on Call

Up until 12.30 – Selsdon Vets, 286 Addington Road, Selsdon, Surrey. CR2 8LF. Tel: 0208 657 8151.

After 12.30 – MiNightvet Caterham, Guards Avenue, Coulsdon Road, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 5ZD. Tel: 01883 725790.

All veterinary fees are the responsibility of the owner

 Location map & schedule details from website www.warlinghamdtc.co.uk

CAMPING - ARRIVE AFTER 2.00 pm and BEFORE 6.00 pm FRIDAY 17th May 2024

If you are not able to arrive between these times, please contact the show secretary to make alternative arrangements.

Campers towing caravans and arriving via the A22 Wapses Lodge roundabout are advised not to follow satnav directions up Succomb’s Hill (this is a steep hill with sharp bends in it). Continue on the A22 to the next roundabout at the Whyteleafe Tavern and turn right up Hillbury Road.

 The venue is outside but very close to the ULEZ zone check you route to ensure you avoid the charge.

 Please park where you are asked to and treat our car park volunteers with respect at all times.

 Refreshments will be available all day

With Your Dog / Dog obedience shows