Warlingham Dog Training Club
Warlingham Dog Training Club
Promoting responsible dog ownership through education and trauning




 Crufts 2025

Good luck to Diane Bruce and Chalkie a Papillon at Crufts this year entered Special Pre-beginner


 7 Way Match : Sunday 26th January 2025. WDTC - Hosting this Years Competition at Ditton Community Centre

Fantastic Results WDTC Team came 2nd overall - congratutlations everyone

Every year a number of training clubs get together to run an inter club competition obedience match. Each club has to put a dog and handler forward for every level – from Introductory up to “C”. They compete against the other handlers at the same level, and win points for the club. At the end, the scores are added up, and there is an overall winning club.

Special thanks to :

  • Judges and stewards including our score boarders - giving up their Sunday for the competition

  • Our team of competitors from WDTC - competing for the club

Rebecca and Roo.  

Paivi and Benson.  

Shirley and Indie.

Ruth and Raven.  

Katrina and Eric.  

Pat and Abbie.    

Jenny and Diva

Pat and Abbie.  

Katrina and Eric.  

Introductory 3rd place - Rebecca and Roo

Jenny and Diva

  • Thanks to Indira Helsby and Liz Evens in choosing our team from our club:

  • Vanessa Sultana in organising the bookings of hall, Judges and all the other clubs and help on the day, Allison Burrows with background admin for the competition including help on the day, Mandy Knowles, Marian O’Neil and Terri McNally from the committee in volunteering to help on the day, plus all our volunteers who gave up some or all of their Sunday to help make everything run smoothly

  • Volunteers : Sally Beavens, Terry Kidd and Denyse Morris, Sarah Smith, Maria Willis, Sheila Croft, Lisa Boyd, Jacky Carter, Rebecca Cranham, Mary Chapman, Ruth Poupard, Michala Blackburn, Katrina Arnold, Indira Helsby, Paivi Saariko

  • Sheila Roberts, with wdtc communication to competitors and helping to organise the volunteers, and helping on the day

Good luck to : WDTC members competing on the day

Running order :

Ring 1 Judge Patricia Jones



C Will be judged after lunch

Ring  2 Judge Linda Baldock



Novice  after lunch

Introductory : Rebecca Cranham and Roo placed 3rd

Pre Beginner - Paivi with Benson placed 5th


Culverstone Obedience Show November 9th

Diane Bruce and Chalkie gaining 4th pre beginners and 2nd beginners 

Diane and Chalkie 4th pre beginners

Diane and Chalkie 2nd in Beginners

 Eastleigh show November 3rd

Write up by handler Diane Bruce

Chalkie winning out of pre beginners and a 5th place for Lemon Puff

Lemon Puff worked special pre beginner class judged by Laura Chrysostomou
He did a very focused round and I was really pleased with him. He gained a 5th place with 37 entered and 27 worked

Chalkie worked beginners class judged by Sandi Elliston with 41 entered and 30 worked
He gained himself a first place, knocking us out of pre beginners

Both dogs seem to enjoy working on sand and kept their little heads up

Elm Park Obedience show October 5th

Pat Faulkner and Abbie were 2nd in B

Shirley Aylwin and Indi were 5th in Beginner

Diane Bruce and Chalkie were 4th in Pre Beginner.

Ruth Poupard and Raven were 3rd in Novice at Elm Park

Shirley and Indi 5th in Beginner

Diane and Chalkie 4th in Pre beginner

Chalkie with 4th in Pre beginner

Great Baddow Obedience show on September 1st. Katrina Arnold and Eric were 6th in A and 2nd in B

Katrina and Eric - 2nd in B

Cheltenham Obedience show on Saturday August 24th,

Pat Faulkner and Star were 2nd in Novice

 August 17th at Ditton Obedience Show

Denyse Morris and Lily : 3rd place in Introductory and 8th place in the Special Pre-Beginners

Lily : 3rd place in Introductory and 8th place in the Special Pre-Beginners

Diane Bruce and Chalkie & Paivi Saariko and Benson

NWK - 27th & 28th July

Pat Faulkner and Abi Winning A on both days totalling 3 firsts in A class - Massive congratulations to Both

Lisa and Rory - 8th in Special Pre Beginners

Diane and Chalky - 7th place in Beginners

Shirley and Indi - 8th place in Beginners

Mandy Knowles and Spud 7th in Introductory

Spud - 7th in Introductory

Lisa and Rory - 8th in Special Pre Beginners

Culverstone Show July 20th

Rebecca Cranham and Roo 6th in Introductory

Paivi Saariko and Benson 8th in Special Prebeginners and 3rd in Pre-Beginners

Great Yarmouth Show July 6th and 7th

Katrina and Eric 4th in A dog

Billingshurst June 22nd

Diane Bruce and Chalkie 1st in Special Pre beginners qualifies for Crufts 2025 —woo hoo congratulations both
Katrina and Eric 6th in A dog.

Caterham and Chipstead Show 15th June


1st Lisa and Rory

4th Patsie and Freddie

Special Pre Beginners

4th Rebecca  Cranham and Roo

9th Diane Bruce and Chalkie
He earnt his place after a 4 way run off for 9-12th, The weather was atrocious and it was a huge class (43 entered/ 36 present)


4th Sandy Evans and Didge

6th Paivi Saariko and Benson

9th Diane Bruce and Chalkie

Pre Beginners

4th in the special Pre-beginners class. Roo and Rebecca Cranham also worked her first Pre-Beginners round and came 8th

Chalkie - 1st Special Pre-beginners

Rory : 1st in Introductory

Lisa Boyd with Rory : 1st in Introductory

Kareina Arnold and Eric - Congratulations winning through Novice to A and B

West Suffolk Dog Training Society June 2nd

Katrina Arnold and Eric achieved their second Novice win, so are now competing at  A and B - well done both great results

Eric : First in Novice - now competing in A and B

Lisa Boyd with Rory : 1st in Introductory

Roo - 4th in Special Pre beginners and 8th in her first try in the pre beginners class : congratulations Rebecca and Roo !

Plantation Park May 25/26/27

Katrina Arnold and Eric were 4th and 5th in Novice, and 6th in A at Plantation Park

 Warlingham DTC : Obedience Open Show : 18th May 2024

There were lots of club members with rosettes at this years open show, held at the GPO, here are the results and some photos

Well done every one who entered be it your first show or not, remember you go home with the best dog at the end of the day


Rebecca Cranham and Roo 2nd

Denyse Morris and Lily 3rd

Lisa Boyd and Rory 5th

Laurel Holt and Sasha 8th

Mandy Knowles and Spud 9th

Maria Willis and Beebee 10th

Special Pre beginners

Paivi Saariko and Benson 2nd

Rebecca Cranham and Roo 3rd

Mandy Knowles Spud 9th

Michala Blackburn and Ruby 10th

Pre beginners

Paivi Saariko and Benson 2nd


Corinne Geering and Bug 3rd

Novice Dog

Maureen Rees and Rupert 5th

Novice Bitch

Pat Faulkner and Abbie 6th

Trophies and rosettes in the black boxes at the back

Introductory : Rebecca Cranham and Roo 2nd, Denyse Morris and Lily 3rd, Lisa Boyd and Rory 5th, Laurel Holt and Sasha 8th. Mandy Knowles and Spud 9th and Maria Willis and Beebee 10th (Laurel Holt not shown)

Special Pre beginners : Paivi Saariko and Benson 2nd, Rebecca Cranham and Roo 3rd, Mandy Knowles Spud 9th, and Michala Blackburn and Ruby 10th

Message from Paivi : I would like to say a BIG thank you to Indira our Thursday competition trainer

It a huge achievement that out of 6 of us from her Class who were competing, 5 of us got placed !!

Pre Beginners : Paivi Saariko and Benson 2nd (not in picture)

Beginners : Corinne Geering and Bug 3rd (not in picture)

Novice Dog : Maureen Rees and Rupert 5th

Novice Bitch : Pat Faulkner and Abbie 6th

Club members, Trainers and Committee photos

Maureen Rees and Rupert in action

Pat Faulkner and Abbie in Action

Mandy Knowles and Spud

Vanessa Sultana having a cuddle

Indira Helsby and her Sheltie

Liz Evans having a well deserved cuppa

Vanessa Sultana more cuddles

Secretarys Tent, trophys and rosettes in the back : Allison Burrows (show secretary, committee member and club treasurer) , Terri McNally (committee member and chair ) and Susan Edwards (member of our show organisation work group)

Sue Whitehorn on left in blue (club member and show group organisation member) : Tombola stall all proceeds going to this years charity Assistants dogs, 328 bottles donated by club members generating an amazing £540.00 An excellent start to our charity collections this year.

St Edward’s obedience show on May 12th, Warlingham club members got some good results!

In the Kennel club  Good Citizen Special Pre Beginners stakes

Diane Bruce and Chalkie were 2nd

Rebecca Cranham and Roo were 3rd

Photo below. From Obedience U.K. Facebook page

In Novice part 2 Sandy Evans and Didge were 2nd

In Novice part 1 Pat Faulkner and Abbie were 2nd

Congratulations to all.


In the Kennel club  Good Citizen Special Pre Beginners stakes

Diane Bruce and Chalkie were 2nd & Rebecca Cranham and Roo were 3rd

3rd Special Pre beginner - Di and Chalkie

Chesvale Obedience Show Sunday 5th May

Katrina and Eric were 2nd in Novice (after a run off for first place)

Pat Faulkner and Abbie were 6th in Novice

Diane Bruce and Chalky was 3rd in Special Pre Beginners

Oxhey 29th April

Pat Faulkner and Abbie 1st in A and 4th in Novice

Paivi Saarikko and Benson 3rd in Special Pre-beginner

Pat Faulkner and Abbie 1st in A - great result both

29th April : Pat and Abbie 1st in A

Paivi Saarikko and Benson 3rd in Special Pre-beginner

Pat Faulkner and Abbie, 5th in Novice  at Diss and Harleston Open Obedience Show on April 21st.

Diss and Harleston Open Obedience Show on April 20th

Katrina Arnold & Eric, 3rd in Novice 
Pat Faulkner and Abbie, 2nd in A 

Katrina Arnold & Eric 6th in Novice at Carmarthen Open Obedience Show on March 31st

Crufts results for Chalkie : a great result of 25 out of 30 placed 4th in the Special Pre beginners class - its a massive achievement to get to Crufts and to get a 4th is a job well done, Brilliant result for Diane Bruce and her Papillion Chalkie

Good luck to Diane Bruce and Chalkie who are competing in KCGC Special Pre- Beginner

Great result for Katrina and Eric : Congratulations

Downland on January 21st : Katrina Arnold and Eric were 6th in A

Article by Katrina Arnold : Crufts 2022

Dermott McSquirmott and I had a lovely day at Crufts competing in the Good Citizen's Special Pre-Beginner Class on Saturday 12th March.

The Crufts atmosphere is electric, and the noise of the crowd unbelievable in its intensity. It is very daunting for any dog to compete in such conditions, particularly one as noise sensitive as Dermott. However, he rose to the occasion and turned in a good round. Despite having walked round the show for a couple of hours on Friday afternoon, and again on Saturday morning, Dermott entered the ring for his round, looked up at me, and said "Just look at all the people!". That meant he was a bit overwhelmed for the first stretch of his heelwork before coming into focus as we started the formal turns. In all we lost 4 1/2 marks for heelwork, which was fair. On his recall he waited beautifully, but as I turned to face him I put in an unnecessary "sit" command. His commands are "sit" and "straight" (for the recall) and, over the din, I don't think he heard me. He stood up and made to return before deciding he had been asked to sit and, correctly, sat back down. His "presentation" was 100% accurate but his "finish" was slightly skewed. Overall we lost 1 1/2 marks there. We were clear on the control at the gate exercise. We were also clear on our play, where Dermott displayed vigorous and active play, but an immediate willingness to relinquish his tuggie when told do so. We lost 3/4 of a mark on examination of the dog because he wasn't keen to let me inspect his back foot. In total for our round we lost 6 3/4 marks from a possible 55 marks. We were not in the places but nicely bunched with the majority of the class in the 5 to 7 marks lost bracket.

The Good Citizen's Special Pre-Beginner Class is an excellent introduction into the world of Competition Obedience, which is now Dermott's and my major focus. So much so that we are now qualified out of this class and will be working Novice and A at the shows this season.

Dermott is a rehomed Collie and started at Warlingham Dog Training Club as a "problem dog" with many issues. Despite having had dogs all my life I thought he would be the one with which I would truly fail, and Warlingham was our last chance before I faced the awful decision of having him put to sleep. Fast forward 10 years and we are a happy working partnership. Dermott has a "job", which he enjoys in his own special way and I have a new hobby. Hats off to Warlingham Dog Training Club for taking us on, and to Jacky Carter and Pat Faulkner who have never given up on us.